Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Long and Winding Road

In just about a month I will be 47 years old.  I didn't realize that I have been going through peri-menopause for about two years now -- nightsweats, depression, moodiness, sore breasts, and stomach issues are just the tip of the hormonal iceberg of what I've been experiencing.  I didn't even realize I entered the Peri-Menopausal Zone until I was two weeks late with one of my periods at the beginning of the year.  During that two week time I was homicidal and wondered what was wrong with me.  When I started doing research I realized that I had entered peri-menopause and I was actually relieved to know what was causing all the turmoil. 

I have always been lactose-intolerant, but it had really been affecting me on a daily basis.  I decided I need to give up dairy.  When I read up on dairy substitutes I also got a shocking look into the way dairy cows are treated,  then chickens.  then the rest of the animals we take for granted to fill our stomachs.  I just couldn't stand to eat them anymore or be a part of their suffering so I decided to go vegan.  While I still have some leather items that I wear and will continue to wear for financial reasons, I will not be purchasing any more animal products that support their suffering or inhumane way of living.  It's actually more humane to eat deer meat than hamburger.  The deer are killed quickly while the cows live a horrible and abused life.  I do have to add here that I do know someone who raises beef cattle on her farm and her cows are not treated inhumanely at all.  My personal issue is the treatment of the animals not necessarily the actual eating of their meat.  It may sound hypocritical to hard-core vegans and I do understand why people do not want to eat any animal products whatsoever and I am not as a genreal rule -- but if the animals are raised in a humane and caring manner then i do not have as much of a problem with the consumption of their meat. 

I have been thinking about going vegan for some time now but I couldn't bear the thought of living without my diary or eggs or steak or fried chicken or ..... but after reading about the disgusting way these animals are kept, something clicked and I found I could do it rather easily.  Easily in theory that is.  It's a whole new way of planning meals.  And when I go out to eat there is a lot more thought that goes into deciding what I want to eat than just what looks good. I had thought about going vegetarian for awhile but the dairy cows and the chickens who lay eggs are actually treated worse than the ones raised for their meat.  So, to me vegan is the only true way to go.

Depression runs in my family and I have been on generic Prozac for about a year and a half now.  I need to go back to the doctor to see about adding another medication to help boost my mood.  The past several weekends have been mostly me lying around doing nothing.  I wish I could say I am just lazy, but it's more than that.  Depression is not fun.  It sucks the life out of a person.  I go thorugh the motions of the day just to come home and collapse.  I do not enjoy that.  Only someone who has suffered with Depression can even begin to understand. 

So, this blog will be me chronicling my adventures, my trials and tribulations into the world of vegan, peri-menpause, and depression.  What works, what fails, what helps, what hurts - and in doing so improve my quality of life and maybe help a person or two in the process. 

I am in no way an expert, this will be based soley on my personal experiences. Lived out here at my Mobile Estate. With a glass of Moscato.

Also, in addition to the normal craziness that is me I am also learning to be a parent of adult children.  I say "learning" because my son is  23 and my daughter is 21 - but they both went into the military right after high school.  I have been divorced for 9 years - wow - that long.  I've actually been on my own since the end of 1999.  So, I've pretty much lived through my children.  Probably clung to them mentally more than I should've.  But now I am actually appreciating the fact that I do not have any extra responsibilities besides myself and my cat Moe.  And a grandbaby on the way.  Yes, I will have plenty to write about &:)

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