Sunday, April 22, 2012

One Things Leads to Another

Howdy again from the mobile estates.  It's a rainy, dreary day and usually a day taylor made for a sinus headache and day of wallowing in depression and sleeping the day away.  Now, I haven't gotten much done in the way of cleaning, and I did sleep in late, but I am in a good mood and am headache free.  I talked with Mom earlier.  It's funny about moms - they can lift you up and be your best supporter -- or dash your hopes with a single word.  I have always tried to be my children's biggest support - no matter what they dream of, want to do, want to be.  No matter how outlandish or farfetched.  I figure the world will do the dashing and slashing of they're dreams, but I'm not.  My mom has always been there for me.  She is one of my strongest supporters and would help me out no matter what I want to do if she feels I am genuinely serious about it.  She is a realist and sometimes says things that I used to take the wrong way.  Then I realized she just wants me to be realistic about things as well.  She doesn't do it to discourage, just to make sure I do not enter into anything blindly.  I do hang up with her feeling much better about things and more able to cope.  I know she gets frustrated with me when I make the same mistakes and choices over and over again.  My son is like me  in that respect and I wish I could make him see it too.  But, he will.  In his own time.  I can be there for him and help dust him off or give him a kick when needed.  But he must realize things his ownself, in his own time.  I didn't listen to my parents either.  I mean, what did they know?  My daughter is like me in some respects too, but she is more like my mom that she balances her dreams with reality.  I think she has high expectations of herself and that's a good thing, but she needs to ease up and just heal and relax right now.  I love her and am so proud of what she has endured of the past few years.  Hell, I am so proud of both of the kids for what they've accomplished.  

Mom has completed a lot of genealogical research.  She has discovered a lot of interesting things and people we are related to.  The latest is that we have actual, real Texas Rangers in the family line.  Cool huh? 

I went to the birthday cookout for a friend of mine last night.  It was a nice night.  I drank a few apple cider beers.  They are really good and didn't cause acid reflux.  It's bad when I can't drink due to stomach ailments.  It was really good catching up with people I hadn't seen in a bit.  And meeting and making new friends.  I also got some information on applying to the shipyard.  Wouldn't that be a wonderful thing if I got a decent job with good pay?  It really really would.  More than anyone could ever know. 

Moe is lying beside me and I'm watching "being human" - the US version from Netflix.  It's good.  I've seen the UK version, and I didn't know if I would like the US one or not.  But I really do.  I need to get the dishes done, even if that's all I get done today.  And I will.  Soon.

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