Friday, April 20, 2012

Back in the Saddle

I got pictures of my grandbaby!! The little tiny being that is my grandbaby!  My son's girlfriend emailed me two ultrasound pictures of the tiny precious little baby.  My wonderful, beautiful grandbaby.  I cried of course.  I want to tell the world.  I want to buy things.  I'm already planning things.  I love the baby so much!

My daughter and her friend will be here in just a couple of weeks - beachy, drinky, girl time.

Unless wheat bread has milk or eggs in it, I have eaten all vegan, all day.  I am really trying to stick with it.  When I weighed myself this morning I was down a couple of pounds since I've gone back to mostly vegan since my fall off the chuckwagon.  It feels good.  I feel good when I eat right.

I got to leave work early today since the work was low and I passed a call.  Yay for me. Woo.  For passing my call I got a balloon and a Kit Kat bar.  We haven't had a raise in 5 years, but we get a freakin' balloon and candy bar.  And I wish the people who say "at least you have a job" would kiss my ass because I make barely enough to cover my expenses - especially due to gas prices and food - but too much to qualify for assistance.  Bitter? Me? Hell yeah.  But since I've started this blog I feel a little better about things.  I feel my creative side emerging once again.  I feel hope.

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